About Us

Mission Statement

In an industry traditionally composed of rugged individualists, members of the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group, Inc. (AHUG) have joined forces successfully to achieve a common goal. AHUG has presented a united front whose primary objective is expanding and diversifying the forest products industry, while maintaining a sustainable, high-yield forest within a 14-county region in northwestern and northcentral Pennsylvania. Known for the quality and quantity of its hardwoods, the region contains some of the finest forest resources in the world. With a well developed primary-processing industry and experienced workforce in place, the area has excellent opportunities for investment.

We realize that one of the best ways to promote effective use of our Allegheny Plateau hardwoods is to increase value-added secondary manufacturing. While primary manufacturers, such as logging firms, sawmills, and chipping mills are well represented in the area, secondary manufacturers account for only about a third of the total employment in the forest products industry.

Besides improving the existing forest products industry and expanding value-added manufacturing, AHUG strives to bring about a general awareness of available timber resources and needs of the industry as a whole. AHUG’s success is due primarily to the fact that it’s an industry-driven organization with broad representation from all quarters. The group is constantly in touch with the state and federal legislators and various government agencies on all levels.

The organization acts as a single-point resource fo r the 14-county region it represents. Through its extensive database and referral network, AHUG can quickly offer customized assistance to companies searching for the right solutions to their needs. We can also assist with financing and job-training programs, as well as provide up-to-date information on laws and regulations.



The highest quality hardwoods in the United States are found in Northcentral and Northwestern Pennsylvania. Our state is the top producer of hardwoods in the U.S. in 1984, the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group, Inc. (AHUG) was organized as a catalyst to foster better utilization of this forest resource.

AHUG set out to create new economic growth, promote the expansion of existing industries, and foster the creation of jobs. At the same time, AHUG recognized the need to promote safe logging and processing practices while maximization prudent and sound forest management.


Our Team

President: Hunter Stauffer, Domtar Paper Co.
Executive Director: Amy Shields
First Vice-President: John Saf, Generations Forestry
Second Vice-President: Jamie Snyder, Kane Hardwood Co.
Secretary: Christine Perneski, NCPRPDC
Treasurer: Dave Geci, Geci & Associates
